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0 - For the REAL Justin Bieber - ILY - 0

♥ . Dear Justin .. I wanna tell you that I'll support you no matter what ! When you smile , I smile too. When you cry , I cry too. When you're hurt , I'm hurt too .
♥ . You're my sunshine , the air that I breathe . Don't listen to all the haters . They're just shits . We love you so much <3
♥ . I told you , and I keep telling this : I will support you no matter what . I wish I could help you with these fakes but I don't know why . Let's join all our powers. We'll knock down the fakes :]
♥ . I love you so much Justin ♥ You're the real one , and no one can change it . ♥ Hope we'll be good friends . I know this album isn't something important for you .. But I tried to help you with some words.. ♥
♥ . I will love you no matter what . I'll support you forever because I'm #BelieberForLife . I adore u Biebs <3
♥ You cant even image how much ILY. :)
♥ You cant even image how much ILY. :)
♥ Dont worry, beliebers support you :)
♥ Dont worry, beliebers support you :)
♥ Stay strong Biebs :)
♥ Stay strong Biebs :)

Comments • 4

DeduxaaLov3 3 July 2011  
GuysIamDoneJB 3 July 2011  
This album means a lot to me !
Thank you for the support
for everything all of u are doing for me !
I dn't know how i could thank you !
iDolly 3 July 2011  
who is the real justin???:-?
SmilerLovexD 3 July 2011  
@GuysIamdoneJB . :)
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